About the Launchpad Proposals category

Welcome to the Launchpad Proposals channel! This platform is specifically designed for projects that are interested in integrating with EVM Hydra for their product offerings. This is an invitation for ambitious teams to propose their projects and discuss potential collaborations, thereby enriching our ecosystem and providing additional value to the Hydra community.

What do we seek in this channel?

  1. Project Integration Proposals: We invite project teams to propose their innovative ideas and products that wish to leverage the power of EVM Hydra. Your proposal should detail the benefits of your project, how it aligns with our community’s goals, and the technical specifics of the integration process.
  2. HydraDex Commitment: As part of your proposal, we require a commitment to our HydraDex. Successful projects will need to allocate a minimum of 20% of the raised funds to the HydraDex. This contribution reflects the project’s commitment to our ecosystem and enables mutual growth.
  3. Pitching Rights: Projects that are whitelisted via an on-chain vote will be given the exclusive privilege to pitch to our official Telegram group. The Hydra official Twitter account is also be much more likely to retweet posts of whitelisted projects. This is a great opportunity to present your vision directly to our engaged and vibrant community.

How is this channel different from others? Unlike other categories, this channel is all about new project proposals that wish to integrate with Hydra. It is a launchpad for innovative ideas to take flight and become part of our thriving ecosystem.

Discussions and proposals in this channel should ideally contain detailed project proposals including a clear explanation of the project, its value proposition, proposed integration with Hydra, and its commitment to HydraDex.