HIP-8 | Migration of LM Campaigns to LYDRA Pairs
Snapshot Time for the Vote:
First block after November 24, 23:59 UTC time.
Voting Period:
Voting starts: November 25, 00:00 UTC time
Voting ends: November 30, 23:59 UTC time
Voting Addresses:
YAY → HHxxxxYEAxPN8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy2cHCh
NAY → HHxxxxNAYxPN8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxz9LLUv
Threshold for Approval:
65% approval rate
Summary of Proposal:
- Keeping the existing LM budget structure
- Replacing the HYDRA side of the pools with LYDRA
- New pools to be deployed via LYDRA by default
- Targeting December 16th for the migration
Link to the Full Proposal:
Voting Procedure:
- 0.1 HYDRA sent to any of the two addresses above will credit your entire snapshot weight to the respective side.
- Note that the last transaction counts, meaning that you can change your vote within the voting period.
- Transactions above or below 0.1 HYDRA will not count.
- The exponentiating formula will apply as usual