Proposal for the Role of DAO Secretary as First member of DAO Operations Team

Proposal for the Role of DAO Secretary

Background: Over the last four months, Hydra DAO has experienced significant progress and has become an invariable element of innovation behind the protocol.

Our achievements as a community range from the deployment of a member-rich forum to the successful completion of eight governance votes. These milestones underscore our growth and the increasing complexity of our operations.

It is within this context that we identify the need for the next phase of the DAO development, which would be a more structured approach to our operational strategy, beginning with the introduction of a DAO Secretary role.

Objective: The primary goal of introducing a DAO Secretary is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the DAO’s operations. This role will ensure optimal utilization of resources, strategic engagement with third parties, and high-level organization of DAO activities according to the fundamental framework.

Such a position would be the first building block in a DAO operations team, and is also instrumental in addressing the operational challenges faced by decentralized autonomous organizations, particularly those related to interaction with centralized entities.

Role and Responsibilities: The DAO Secretary will be an operational keystone with responsibilities including but not limited to:

  1. Ensuring adherence to DAO principles in all spending activities.
  2. Improving utilization of spending to mitigate inflationary pressure through better diversity of participating service providers.
  3. Organizing and streamlining discussions within the DAO for new opportunities and issues.
  4. Engaging, inviting and supporting third parties relevant for strategic programs.
  5. When relevant, to conduct business development in presenting the DAO as a partner and potentially enabling more third parties to engage back for improving adoption

Just to give an example, the role is crucial for tasks such as inviting quality marketing agencies for community approval and providing them with necessary operational support. This would boost the competitiveness among the agencies which will ultimately result in a higher quality of product and better value for the spent budget.

The DAO Secretary, when possible, will also proactively engage with third-party service providers, facilitate the onboarding of other DAO operations members, and potentially manage campaigns on third party platforms (e.g. design contests) where direct DAO participation is impossible.

Nomination Criteria: The suitable candidate for the DAO Secretary position should meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated outstanding history of positive engagement with the community in both good and bad times
  • Strong technical expertise, particularly relating to Hydra’s infrastructure and future innovations (HydraGon, Bridge, Prometheus etc).
  • Genuine vested interest in the protocol’s well-being by actively staking and participating in governance votes.
  • No legal affiliation with the LockTrip company in order to ensure the DAO secretary becomes the first building block towards independence of the DAO
  • At least two years of active community involvement on a day-to-day basis

Candidate Proposal: I want to propose Myra Aranjo based on the outlined criteria and of course based on the outstanding value that she has contributed during the last two years. Her dedication, technical understanding, and history of positive community engagement make her an ideal candidate for becoming the busy bee that will empower the DAO operations.

We believe Myra will significantly enhance the operational efficiency of DAO affairs and contribute positively to our future activities. Myra has a background of starting as a regular community member, which perfectly aligns her with the principles behind the DAO philosophy: to represent the community and be represented by the community.

This thread should also serve as an open invitation to other members to form a discussion regarding this proposal. Members with alternative candidates are welcome to put forth their suggestions for community consideration. Everyone is invited to share their thoughts, concerns and nominations if there are such.

Financial Proposal:

Compensation Structure: For the role of DAO Secretary we propose a part-time trial compensation of $1200 per month for the initial three months, with an expected commitment of approximately 2 hours per day.

This rate would be a fair start considering the responsible nature of the position. This puts an hourly rate of $30 (based on 5 work days *2 hours * ~4 weeks). If there is strong validation in the DAO secretary, this can further be extended by adding more hours to the daily quota.

The inflationary pressure the payment would represent is negligible, considering the current emission of HYDRA, and the benefits would significantly outweigh the risks associated with it as this role would be a stepping stone for future expansion of operations.

While there are no strict requirements for the activities of the secretary, the DAO can set a tentative requirement of a minimum of one proactive project per month as a way to stimulate the DAO secretary to contribute to the expansion of the Hydra ecosystem. This can be any idea, service provider onboarding, concept, third-party engagement, or any other discussion that the secretary wishes regardless of scale. This of course is tentative and will be reviewed after the trial period whether relevant as expectation.

Post-Trial Evaluation: After the trial period, the DAO will evaluate the role based on the secretary’s feedback and community satisfaction. Adjustments to the compensation or terms may be made accordingly.

Payment Methodology: Payments will be processed through the DAOFunds contract in HYDRA. The secretary will have the discretion to withdraw the funds to their wallet, providing the flexibility to liquidate or hold.

Accountability Measures: To maintain transparency and in accordance with the principle framework for all DAO spending, the DAO Secretary will submit a monthly report summarizing their activities and accomplishments. Furthermore, all actions and compensation will be subject to community review and on-chain voting, ensuring adherence to our principles of decentralized governance.

Conclusion: This proposal marks a strategic step in enhancing Hydra’s operational efficiency and governance maturity.

It aims to build on top of everything that has been achieved so far and can potentially unlock new pathways for opportunity.

We believe the DAO Secretary role is fundamental to our evolution as a leading decentralized project. Your support in this initiative is pivotal to our collective success.

Some of the immediate projects that the DAO secretary can work on

  • Inviting more marketing agencies to compete with each other in the ongoing marketing framework
  • Conducting a design contest through for HydraGon explainer videos and/or other marketing supporting materials or infographics.
  • Facilitating legal structuring of a non-profit foundation for Hydra that could act as a non-profit organization and bridge the DAO with the centralized world.

If the community approves the idea, I would like to propose a 7-day discussion window after which this thread to be converted into an on-chain vote.

Summary of Proposal

  • Electing a DAO secretary operative position : marking the start of DAO’s operational team
  • Myra to be elected as DAO secretary due to skills, expertise and outstanding track record in the Hydra community
  • $1200 per month compensation: rate of $30 based on 5 work days *2 hours * ~4 weeks. Paid via the DAO funds contract
  • A minimum of one pro-active proposal for voting to come from DAO Secretary for improving the ecosystem per month
  • Monthly report
  • Three month trial to evaluate on both sides

Some of the immediate projects that the DAO secretary can work on

  • Inviting more marketing agencies to compete with each other in the ongoing marketing framework
  • Conducting a design contest through for HydraGon explainer videos and/or other marketing supporting materials or infographics.
  • Facilitating legal structuring of a non-profit foundation for Hydra that could act as a non-profit organization and bridge the DAO with the centralized world.

Before the ‘Candidate proposal’ paragraph I was already thinking about Myra. I think it’s a great idea and I support it 100%. My only concern is that 2h are not enough and it might be a bit overwhelming. I can see she is active also on ChangeX. Perhaps she can be more focus oriented towards DAO Secretary role in the future with a larger timeframe.


I would propose Azulene. Maybe she is quite silent these days but I am sure she knows what is going on with the ecosystem. Shes also involved in Stray pet project so I think its good candidate


I see a central point of contact in the position of a secretary at our DAO who can take on various tasks as a very important step in further growth. This position will increasingly also be the first introduction to, and personal business card of, the Hydra blockchain for (crypto)companies, entrepreneurs, (future) strategic partners and new members in the future. However, we must ensure that conflicting interests cannot arise and that the candidate has the discipline and dedication to perform the tasks.
Myra, in my opinion, meets the qualifications as secretary and has at least my support. But there is a lot of knowledge in the Hydra community and I believe there are several suitable candidates who can also take on this role as a secretary. But of course, they have to want this themselves and introduce themselves. With multiple candidatures, I suggest a voting round.


@Azulene is certainly a possible candidate as she has an outstanding reputation in the community.

However, Azulene has implied multiple times that she is pretty engaged in her professional career as a professor which may come with certain limitations when advocating publicly for the Hydra ecosystem in the role of a DAO Secretary. For similar reasons she has preferred not to expose her identity or her real-life environment to the things happening in Hydra and in crypto in general, (and to some degree understandable).

Please keep in mind that the DAO secretary is a responsible role and it will involve committing to it. The DAO Secretary will engage with third parties and promote the DAO. For instance Creating a public contest for design materials, and actively interactign with the contest participants.

Also pro-actively reaching out to marketing agencies and/or other service providers.

Maybe best to first discuss the idea with the relevant candidate before proposing her/him for the upcoming poll.

This is just to make sure you aren’t proposing someone who may not be interested in this. I’ve tagged her to make sure she sees this post.

I’ve also had a preliminary discussion with Myra just to see how she feels about this and the proposal comes based on her preliminary confirmation that she can devote herself to the 3-month trial if the community chooses to select her. Of course, after the trial ends, both sides will be able to provide their feedback and decide together what is the optimal path forward.


I’m also excited about the staffing of some of these DAO positions. Some thoughts for Myra or other interested candidates:

  1. The core hydra team are still the caretakers of the chain and community. How do you see your relationship to the hydra team and how will you collaborate with them in the fulfillment of your role?
  2. How will you keep the community engaged? How will you provide transparency in the performance of your role to build trust with the community? How will you be measured?
  3. This is an interesting arrangement because our community has such implied privacy and anonymity. However, I’d expect a little more knowledge about the people we’re electing to these roles. How do we reconcile this?

This is a good proposal and essential for the growth and stability of the DAO. Myra is certainly on top of things and would be an excellent candidate. Azulene would be good as well. A lot depends on who is more available.


I will support Myra for the full 100% Not to disqualify other candidates, but Myra has shown 1000% dedication to Hydra Locktrip and ChangeX. I am happy to see this development.


Makes sense to elect Myra as the first secretary. I’m curious to see which impact can be created by the role. Well deserved nomination :clap:


Hi Steve!

Welcome to the HydraDAO forum! These are wonderful questions, thanks for sharing them and would love to share my personal thoughts

I’d say my relationship with the core team is quite good and have always been helpful whenever I’ve needed help. As shared above, the job here is primarily of a facilitating type role, interacting with third party vendors / service providers, new projects etc. and will collaborate with the core team in various ways like reviewing new proposals from them, initial handholding help with new projects, EVM dapps and other high priority projects.

A decent part of our active community has been contributing on the DAO, however I will work towards a lot more involved participation from our existing community as well as new ones who can build / propose things that will strengthen the community-side of contributions which everyone will appreciate. This will immensely help towards making Hydra gradually more self-sufficient and empower the community :muscle:t2:

I plan to share regular progress reports on the few important tasks already lined up (shared above in proposal) + regular activities and additional tasks that we as a community decide on. Any action or task where critical decisions or expenses are required will go through the discussion and voting process as usual, keeping everything transparent.


To begin with I think 2 hours would be sufficient, however will be able to know for sure as some time passes :smiley: