HIP-7 | Role of DAO Secretary

:small_orange_diamond: HIP-7 | Role of DAO Secretary :small_orange_diamond:

Snapshot Time for the Vote:

First block after November 24, 23:59 UTC time.

Voting Period:

Voting starts: November 25, 00:00 UTC time
Voting ends: November 30, 23:59 UTC time

Voting Addresses:

YAY → HHxxxxYEAxPN7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxy39XJnH
NAY → HHxxxxNAYxPN7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxy2s8e8q

Threshold for Approval:

65% approval rate

Summary of Proposal:

  • Electing a DAO secretary operative position : marking the start of DAO’s operational team
  • Myra to be elected as DAO secretary due to skills, expertise and outstanding track record in the Hydra community
  • $1200 per month compensation: rate of $30 based on 5 work days *2 hours * ~4 weeks. Paid via the DAO funds smart contract
  • A minimum of one pro-active proposal for voting to come from DAO Secretary for improving the ecosystem per month
  • Monthly report
  • Three month trial to evaluate on both sides

Please Note: As there is only one candidate, this proposal will be a Yes / No Vote

Link to the Full Proposal:

Voting Procedure:

  1. 0.1 HYDRA sent to any of the two addresses above will credit your entire snapshot weight to the respective side.
  2. Note that the last transaction counts, meaning that you can change your vote within the voting period.
  3. Transactions above or below 0.1 HYDRA will not count.
  4. The exponentiating formula will apply as usual
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:small_blue_diamond: HIP-7 | Role of DAO Secretary

YEA —> 100%
NAY —> 0%