HIP-14 | Foundation, Infrastructure, Engagement and Engineering

:small_orange_diamond: HIP-14 | Foundation, Infrastructure, Engagement and Engineering :small_orange_diamond:

Snapshot Time for the Vote:

First block after October 09, 23:59 UTC time.

Voting Period:

Voting starts: October 10, 00:00 UTC time
Voting ends: October 17, 23:59 UTC time

Voting Addresses:

YAY → HHxxxxYEAxPN14xxxxxxxxxxxxxxugjvSM
NAY → HHxxxxNAYxPN14xxxxxxxxxxxxxy3R3TAQ

Threshold for Approval:

  • 65% approval rate

Summary of Proposal:

Vote Summary:

  • Establish a non-profit foundation to manage key assets and operational requirements.
  • Transition the core engineering team to direct DAO control to secure long-term technical expertise and independence.
  • Migrate all key assets into the foundation, which will act as a legal extension of the DAO and will always act according to the DAO’s will.
  • Secure infrastructure and creative budgets to maintain operational stability and community engagement.
  • Repurpose $17,000 from Marketing Program to this current proposal [HIP-14]
  • Approve additional budget of $10,000, thus total budget impact will be $27,000 when combined with the repurposed funds from the marketing program [HIP-02]
  • Locktrip to Subsidize $4,000 as a form of contribution for the one-time setup of the foundation.
  • Manage emissions efficiently post-HydraGon launch to achieve long-term sustainability.

Link to the Full Proposal:

Voting Procedure:

  1. 0.1 HYDRA sent to any of the two addresses above will credit your entire snapshot weight to the respective side.
  2. Note that the last transaction counts, meaning that you can change your vote within the voting period.
  3. Transactions above or below 0.1 HYDRA will not count.
  4. The exponentiating formula will apply as usual

Vote results were unanimous

YEA —> 100%
NAY —> 0%