GEN-1 | Refreshed Hydra Chain Logo Community Vote

:small_orange_diamond: GEN-1 | Refreshed Hydra Chain Logo Community Vote :small_orange_diamond:

Snapshot Time for the Vote:

First block after November 24, 23:59 UTC time.

Voting Period:

Voting starts: November 25, 00:00 UTC time
Voting ends: November 30, 23:59 UTC time

Voting Addresses:

Logo Version 1 β†’ HHxxxxLGxVER1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxuQqhx
Logo Version 2 β†’ HHxxxxLGxVER2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxy2bnL6e
Logo Version 3 β†’ HHxxxxLGxVER3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxudGbEv

Threshold for Approval:

Highest percentage of votes wins. The exponentiating formula will apply

Summary of Proposal:

  • Three Logo options to choose from, including the original Logo
  • Option 1 to keep the existing logo if the community prefers to

Link to the Full Proposal:

Voting Procedure:

  1. 0.1 HYDRA sent to any of the three addresses above will credit your entire snapshot weight to the respective Logo.
  2. Note that the last transaction counts, meaning that you can change your vote within the voting period.
  3. Transactions above or below 0.1 HYDRA will not count.
  4. The exponentiating formula will apply as usual

:small_blue_diamond: GEN-1 | Refreshed Hydra Chain Logo Community Vote

Raw votes:

Ver 1 - 10.12%
Ver 2 - 37.70%
Ver 3 - 52.18%

Adjusted votes:

Ver 1 - 29.22%
Ver 2 - 42.37%
Ver 3 - 28.41%