Do we need a new logo?

Excuse me for saying this, but I do not believe the previous logo competition and result was in the best interest for Hydrachain and its member growth potential.
My conclusion from asking friends opinions, as well as reading-between-the-lines when raising this topic in the Hydrachain unofficial Telegram group, is that the current logo is not seen favourably as a pull factor.

It would be better if it conveyed a positive vibe or looks like what is expected from a big company/project. It should ideally be simple, positive, ambiguous. Even in the style of a memecoin could be an option.

I am not requesting another logo competition with a specific time frame. Instead I would choose to have an open ended dropbox for contributions. If no suitable contributions are made, no change is done. If a suitable well-liked contribution is made, it could become a vote/team decision later on. I hope some neutral people could be the judge and not only Hydra old-timers.

I think the importance of logo choice should not be underestimated. Especially in crypto where sometimes the logo can make up 100% of a coins valuation :slight_smile:

Here are my first example contributions. To get the thread started.

Could you please describe your logo proposals? I agree that current logo can be improved, but we have to understand why it needs improvement and why do you think your work could be a step forward. No judgement here and I’m looking forward to see constructive feedback only. There are no stupid ideas.

Edit: just to make an exercise of interpretation. First thing I can spot is the use of labrinith that could potentially make reference to mithological times? Mithological shapes? Something that could be in connection with hydra? Maybe. The labirinth is delimited by simple shapes. I would categorise the heart symbol as a conventional shape for love, connection, empathy. Maybe it works better for a family app or a dating website? I would personally choose pure shapes such as rectangle, triangle or circle. You have a circle shape with a labirinth representation for the second logo and it looks quite common. Perhaps you can find a different approach and aim for something unique? I like the simplicity of your models and it would be nice if you can ‘dig’ more. Nevertheless, great work!

I think the current logo is very good and I like the word Hydra, especially in the combination that we are an L1 project and are heading in the direction that we will soon be part of the top chain with our L1 project. I think it’s okay that our project is called Hydra. The name is very well known and has a lot of meaning. I think the name of our project alone is powerful and strong and popular. I think our current Hydra logo is great, especially when the normal Hydra is blue and Lydra is in red.

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it is just my opinion the only and true name of this project is the name Hydra when we get into the top 100 projects in the crypto world I want people to talk about Hydra with the Hydra symbol like now I would not prefer to change our logo we need a powerful name that will go down in history

I just have a few i made for logo designs. Hope it helps.

We just recently changed the logo with the intention of refreshing the logo before the Hydragon launch. A logo is a form of identity, it should not be changed as frequently as you change the color of the paint on your house.


Just to know how you think, as you post these as an example. What does these logos mean for you. What do they represent ? A love coin ? A labyrinth coin, were we cannot get out ? If you want to make a logo, explain the meaning. Also, not everybody likes the same. You make a choice, you stick with it, and get used to it. Also if you really hate it, at least you will remember. If the product is good, will you not use it because you dont like the logo ? If I didnt like the Uber logo, does that mean I dont use the taxi ?

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The logos you suggested don’t appeal to me at all. The current logo is related to what is currently happening and I think it is catchy and powerful.

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Hey i really need some help.

I am number 58 in holders for Hydra.

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Can i get help.

I have downloaded windows desktop hydra wallet.

How can i create a wallet.dat and get my seed phrase to access my wallet?