HIP-2/Sep23 | Marketing Budget Allocation Addendum

:small_orange_diamond: HIP-2/Sep23 | Marketing Budget Allocation Addendum is scheduled for a vote! :small_orange_diamond:

Snapshot Time for the Vote:

First block after August 31, 23:59 UTC time.

Voting Period:

Voting starts: September 1, 00:00 UTC time
Voting ends: September 8, 23:59 UTC time (updated!)

Voting Addresses:

Atoz-PR → HHxxxxATZxSEP23xxxxxxxxxxxxxxDqLm3
Collibri Group → HHxxxxCBRxSEP23xxxxxxxxxxxxy616iUa
Cryptic → HHxxxxCRYxSEP23xxxxxxxxxxxxxyToZ2y

Summary of Proposal:

  • Budget allocation for September 2023, for the three marketing agencies
  • Every DAO participant has 1 vote available and can Vote for any 1 favorite agency
  • Trial of the industry-first feature of a 0.5 exponentiating factor on the wallet weights that Vote. Budget to be allocated accordingly.
  • Summary of Agency Activities has been shared to the community on 30th August, 2023

Link to the Full Proposal:

Voting Procedure:

  1. 0.1 HYDRA sent to any one of the three addresses above will credit your entire snapshot weight to the respective agency.
  2. Note that the last transaction counts, meaning that you can change your vote within the voting period.
  3. Transactions above or below 0.1 HYDRA will not count.
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