Vote on the Marketing Budget - April 24 / May 24

The DAO has completed another period of marketing activities with the agency partner chosen by the community, who have been helping with Hydra Chain’s awareness efforts, and the DAO saving ~ half the budget for later use.

As the two-month working period is ending soon, it is your turn to vote and re-allocate the budget between the agency’s current efforts and the savings fund for Tier 1 awareness activities in the future.

Vote for April 24 / May 24

Place your vote for the monthly budget allocation between the partner agency and save for later, under the pre-approved Marketing DAO Framework !

  • Snapshot Time: March 26, 23:59 UTC time
  • Voting Start: March 27, 00:00 UTC time
  • Voting End: April 01, 23:59 UTC time

The allocation for the previous working period of February 2024 & March 2024 was as follows:

  • Save for later → $17,392
  • ICODA → $16,608

New Threshold was set at $7,200

The DAO now has the chance to re-adjust the budget allocation for the months of April & May. For that purpose, simply vote for your preferred marketing option by sending a total of 0.1 HYDRA (Split voting possible) to the respective wallet addresses (during the voting period!) :

Every DAO participant has a total vote of 0.1 HYDRA available, which should be casted to the voting addresses of your favorite agencies (you can split it per your liking, as explained here). The 0.1 HYDRA vote will map your entire voting weight (from the snapshot) proportionally to the agencies.

Note: The exponentiating formula will apply as usual.

Summary of Agency Activities

The summary report of the agency activities can be accessed through the link below:

As always, thank you for participating and we can’t wait for the next wave of marketing activities!


The partial saving and partial use idea is really a brilliant one. It will give us a much better leverage in a few months to employ some outstanding KOL’s


For the next marketing vote we need an option of paying out NO hydras. As good as saving for later sounds it is pretty stupid to be selling our hydras for stable coins at this low price when we expect the hydra price to increase and those hydras could be potentially worth double or triple in 6 months time when hydragon mainnet goes live. Next time I want an option of no payout (the real save it for later).

Hello everyone!

I’m sharing the plan for the next month. April was almost past, but we needed time to discuss, brainstorm, and align on activities with the team for the upcoming period, including the HydraGon launch.

= = = = =

Brief Strategy

At the current stage, we are targeting two target audiences:

Node stakers HYDRA blockchain users
  1. Collaborating with Top-Tier YouTube Influencers. We aim to engage two specific groups: node stakers and the broader audience of HYDRA blockchain users. Our influencer partnerships are carefully chosen to resonate with each distinct audience, ensuring targeted and effective messaging.
  2. Partnering with Twitter Influencers. Our strategy focuses on influencers specializing in trading, particularly those interested in exploring innovative projects. This approach is intended to attract new HydraChain community members looking for new opportunities.
  3. Telegram Influencers. Although high-quality Telegram channels are scarce within the English-speaking community, this is a viable avenue for community expansion and new Telegram members. Engaging with prominent Telegram influencers can help us tap into niche markets and foster a dedicated user base.
  4. Promotional Campaign. The campaign is focused on educating and engaging new users within the HydraChain ecosystem among one of the largest communities in the crypto sphere. Based on the experience of previous campaigns, tasks aimed at engaging users (installing a wallet, learning about blockchain, etc.) bring new users into the ecosystem.

Thank you Vlad for waiting on planning and execution for the new period as requested :slight_smile: Appreciate it!

The overall plan / strategy looks good to me.


Sounds good to me, when are the campaigns starting and can we folow them?


Should be starting pretty soon (next week) and they will be shared on the main TG group similar to earlier :slight_smile: :muscle:


Is anything happening? In 10 days the 2 month period is over and ICODA will have been been paid 33k USD with no activity. This is one way to eliminate your chances in the next marketing vote.

Good day!

Thank you for your question. The advertising campaigns are in a very active phase. Here is just a part of what has already been published:

Voskoin (633k subs) -

Crypto Thanos (61.3k subs) -

DegenHardy (45k subs) - and (1k subs) Telegram in Telegram: Join Group Chat

Shitcoin Alchemist (31k subs) - and (1k subs) Telegram: Contact @ShitcoinAlchemist

Dippy.eth (25k subs) -

ALTSTEIN TRADE (62k subs) - & (2k subs) Telegram: Contact @ALSTEIN_GEMCLUB

Yakuza (27k subs) -

Intract -

P.S. I think that now we will share them immediately on Telegram as they are published :wink:


Hello everyone!

Attached is the report for the previous period. During this time, we successfully posted one YouTube video on a channel with over 600k subscribers, shared 10 tweets from various bloggers, made 8 posts in Telegram channels, integrated an incentive campaign on one of the largest platforms, Intract, and ran ads on Telegram. So far, we’ve spent about 60% of the budget, and more publications are planned as part of this campaign.

At the end of the report, you will find conclusions for this period and suggestions for improving performance.

Feel free to ask any questions.