Vote for your Favorite Marketing Agency — October/November 2023

Another month of marketing activities has concluded and we are glad to see so many new assets created as a result of it. Now it is your turn by voting for your favorite agency and directing the budget to be spent efficiently.

This time we want to introduce several new improvements that should help further fine-tune the process. Let’s get into it!

1. Introduction of the DAOFunds Smart Contract

The DAOFunds smart contract is a new innovation that we are excited to introduce and which is explained in detail in the following article: Introducing the DAOFunds Smart Contract! | by (LOC Token) Official Blog | Hydra Chain | Sep, 2023 | Medium

In a nutshell, it allows for a gradual release of the budget to contractors, which mitigates the risk of bulk-liquidations and the anticipation effects they generate. As a result, we expect it to have a positive impact on operations and contribute to the peace of mind of HYDRA holders.

2. Increasing the Working Period to Two Months

The first two months for the marketing framework performed quite well, resulting in noticable improvements between the first and second round. The DAO also voted to disqualify one of the three agencies we started with, which further showcases the self-improving nature of the framework.

As such, it would be fair to say that the framework made it through its trial phase successfully and is now showing signs of maturity. Therefore, the risks of execution have come down while the cooperation between the DAO and the agencies has strengthened.

To reflect this progress, we would like to propose the extension of the working period for agencies from the current one month to two months. Why do we propose this?

Working closely with the agencies, we noticed that the duration of a single month caused elevated stress levels for the agencies during their operations. Considering that the voting period already consumes at least one week, there usually remain only three weeks for the budgeting, planning, preparation, scripting and execution of the campaigns and the content.

Although none of the agencies complained about this, we noticed this ourselves and believe that longer gaps between adjustments could improve the efficiency and outcome of the campaigns. In addition to the increased care that can be put into the campaigns, this would also unlock new options that have lead times beyond 30 days.

Last but not least, the lower voting frequency would also reduce the overhead for the DAO, as every vote requires repeated evaluation and effort from everyone involved.

3. Introducing Optional Granular Votes

In addition to the above, we are also introducing the option to add granularity to the voting process. As you know, so far it was only possible to vote for your favorite marketing agency with a single vote. While this was an efficient method, sometimes it resulted in compromises where DAO members had to decide for one option, even though they might have liked two or more.

To solve this problem, future votes as part of the marketing framework (starting with this one) will allow for granularity as a completely optional approach. Votes of 0.1 HYDRA will still be fully valid, but they could also be split as per your preference. For example, you could vote 0.07 HYDRA for agency A and 0.03 HYDRA for agency B, which would represent a 70% and 30% split of your budget vote. What’s important is that the total sum of your votes amount to 0.1 HYDRA.

To further illustrate:

Single votes

  • Sending one vote of 0.1 HYDRA is a fully valid vote and it will cast 100% of your weight to the agency that you like, same as it was so far.

Granular votes

  • Sending one transaction of 0.07 HYDRA to Agency A will represent 70% of your voting weight
  • Sending a second transaction of 0.03 HYDRA to Agency B will result in 30% of your voting weight
  • Total of both votes = 0.1 and the outcome is valid

Sending two transactions that make up more than 0.1 by accident

  • Sending one transaction of 0.07 HYDRA to Agency A will result in 70% of your voting weight
  • Sending a second transaction of 0.04 HYDRA to Agency B will result in 40% of your voting weight
  • The total of both votes = 0.11 and the outcome is invalid, because you are trying to cast 110% of your voting weight.
    NB! In this situation, both votes will be invalidated, and you can place 2 new votes to correct this.

To change your vote, you can simply repeat the voting. Only the last votes that amount to 0.1 HYDRA total will be counted. Consider the following few more examples, to make sure the process is fully understood:

Case 1

  • 0.08 — first vote
  • 0.04 — second vote
  • 0.03 — third vote
  • 0.07 — fourth vote

The 0.03 and 0.07 will be considered from the third and fourth votes

Case 2

  • 0.08 — first vote
  • 0.04 — second vote
  • 0.1 — third vote

Only 0.1 will be considered from the third vote

4. Introducing a $2,000 Minimum Allocation

Finally, we are also introducing a minimum allocation budget of $2,000. If the voted budget for an agency remains below that threshold, it will be considered disqualified and the budget will be distributed proportionally among the remaining agencies.

Vote for October/November 2023

Place your vote for the monthly budget allocation of the two agencies that compete for providing services under the pre-approved Marketing DAO Framework!

  • Snapshot Time: September 30, 23:59 UTC time
  • Voting Start: October 1, 00:00 UTC time
  • Voting End: October 7, 23:59 UTC time

The allocations for the month of September were as follows:

  • Atoz-PR
    0.7557x of the total pool of $34,000 = $25,693
  • Collibri Group
    0.2443x of the total pool of $34,000 = $8,307

For the months of October & November, the budget allocations will be decided by the DAO community, based on the on-chain voting results. For that purpose, simply vote for your preferred marketing agencies by sending a total of 0.1 HYDRA to the respective wallet address (during the voting period!):

Every DAO participant has a total vote of 0.1 HYDRA available, which should be casted to the voting addresses of your favorite agencies (you can split it per your liking). The 0.1 HYDRA vote will map your entire voting weight (from the snapshot) proportionally to the agencies.

Note: The exponentiating formula will apply as usual.

Summary of Agency Activities

The summary report of agency activities can be accessed through the links below:

Approval of the Two Months Working Period

By voting for the agencies, it is assumed that you approve the prolonging of the working period from one month to two months (as described earlier in this post). If you don’t agree with this change, then please send an additional 0.1 HYDRA to the wallet address below, in order to vote against the adjustment.


As always, thank you for participating and we can’t wait for the next wave of marketing activities!


Being able to split the vote is excellent. Also agree with the two months instead of one. Great work!


Hey @Dmitry and @Nthony777 , hope you guys are doing awesome :slight_smile:
Could you both please share a brief on your proposed plan for October / November 2023 with various budget assumptions in this thread. It would be helpful for all DAO members to make a more informed decision :handshake:


Sure, we will update the plan. Thanks!

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Hey guys, really appreciate your trust and glad to see that we are keep working together. So for now without having an exact numbers about a budget we can’t provide a detailed offer, but we know exactly the way we gonna move, it’s going be more articles published this time, we also want keep diversify our GEO for YouTube reviews about Hydra and we want to plan and set up a good adv campaign to increase the awareness of the brand through internet and let more people become involved in the project.

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Dear DAO community:

Here we have a few questions for you and a vision for the October advertising campaign. We will be grateful to you for any honest feedback, opinions and wishes.

  1. The second advertising campaign was focused on attracting an audience from different GEO. There were Spanish, Turkish bloggers and others. You can see it from in our report

Do you think it’s worth continuing to cover the project in other countries in local languages?

  1. Some youtube KOLs have done short integrations in videos. If you liked some specific Youtube KOL - do you have a wish to make a video again, but this time in the format - a full video review?

  2. Perhaps you have any suggestions for cross-PR and partnerships with other top projects - which would allow to expand awareness among the community? we could explore this direction as well

Our ideas and suggestions for the October campaign:

  1. In our opinion it’s good to continue to write native articles and publish them in Tier 1 media. Trust media with high coverage allows to cover a large new audience and increase indexing in search. But most importantly, it will allow to cover more about the killer features of the project and announcements. For example we can consider media such as: / /

or other media

  1. In the third campaign, we propose to test telegram channels, it can be a content about the killer features of the wallet and an offer with profitable stacking. The main focus will also be on attracting moreHydra holders to the telegram channel. We can always change the content of the message. It was just like an idea

  2. KOL youtube bloggers: we will also continue to look for high-quality bloggers who can dive well analytically into Hydra and cover for their community. The fact is that youtube has changed the viewing algorithms and the less interesting the content is, the video has not been watched to the end - then the viewing does not count, so the blogger tells a bad or not interesting story:)

Thank you in advance for your feedback, this will allow us to prepare a more detailed final offer for the October advertising campaign

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In my opinion, exploring specific targets by publishing in languages like Spanish (South America specially), Portuguese (Brazil specially), and Arabic, does make a lot of sense.
About the new campaign targeted at Telegram, I think the upcoming features, like Lydra pool and Hydragon, could work even better than talking about current features. That could give the idea of an opportunity to buy and hold a coin from a project that is going to be a game changer in the near future.
From current features, I would probably just focus on the staking APR


I prefer high quality vloggers YouTube video’s as a part of the strategy in the next campain. Overall I’m also ok with the other ideas and suggestions. In this stage it’s just still searching for the most efficient marketing campaign.

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Hi everyone!

We would like to share with you our plans for October. We have prepared a list of youtube, twitter KOL that will help to make a review and video integration. And we are also preparing an article on IBTimes. This time the focus will be on reviewing the launching of HYDRA/HYDRA Liquidity Pool. We tried to take into account the latest comments from the DAO community in order to expand the geography coverage. Pls, check our PDF file.
AtoZ-PR-October marketing campaign-2023.pdf (68.9 KB)

Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks


This looks nicely diversified. Great that there will be so many full videos :+1: Onwards and upwards Hydra!


I’m happy with the current marketing plan, but I sincerely doubt that the association with the proposed vlogger for Brazil (CryptoBR) will be beneficial. I’ve scrolled his channel on YouTube, and all contents, with no exceptions, are related to making money from viewing videos and special offers from very specific campaigns. I was hopping for an association with publishers that actually know about crypto and make informed reviews. I’ll leave some examples: Bitcoinheiros, Fernando Ulrich, Economista Sincero, Investimentos Digitais, Visão Libertária, Usecripto, Universidade do Bitcoin, BitNada, Augusto Backes, Caio Investe, Deny Torres


Thank you for feedback and for examples! We have enough time to make a replacement and we will contact your suggested options :slight_smile:


Very constructive feedback! Thank You!

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Hello team, since the budget spreading model has changed from this month, I want to mention that we are going to implement our plan not at once as before, but once in a week after accumulating some budget to buy a few KOLs at once instead of buying it one by one. By the way as we said before, this month we are going to be more focused on global influencers, and the next month we are going to set up a B2C traffic to the Hydra website and will do Twitter shilling again to push up Hydra’s hashtag to the top in the search. You can check out our plan at this link.


Hi @ajaferreira what do you think abou this one blogger ?

btw, I tried to contact some bloggers from your list, but unfortunately I was unable to reach them.

Pls let me know

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Hi Anton,

From what I saw from 8 or 9 videos from cripto Rosas channel, this guy is much more informative, and it would make much more sense to have him promoting Hydra.
The only issue is that he’s a Spanish speaker, so we’re still not reaching out the Portuguese community.
Anyway, I appreciate the effort you’ve made to reach out to some of my suggestions, and it’s also good to invest a bit more in the Spanish speakers communities.
So this one seems to be a good bet to me.


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Hello, team. Due to the new payment model we just finished the marketing report for October. So as we said before this month we just wanted to increase awareness through different video reviews about Hydra in as many GEO as possible. For now we have 2 youtubers left who is going to post their videos this week, so we will update the doc when it’s done. We did our best for the provided budget this month and pushed the lowest prices for the channels you see.
Regarding November offer, we are preparing some special options this time so we need some time to proceed and make all set. We hope to gather some budget first and then when we sure with the new plan implementation we will share the offer at the second week of November. Wish you all a good day.


Will you be considering engaging the service of the coin bureau. He has a good amt of followers and is very influential

A review from this guy is quite expensive, with the current size of our budget we’ll need to save up for it for a few months :smiley: Perhaps we will resort to his services a little later, since we know him directly without middlemen and have a chance to influence his opinion

Thank you for the info. Glad to know that you have the direct contact for him. Nevertheless, I can see all the effort from you guys. Thanks for all the hard work

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