Vote for your Favorite Marketing Agency - December 23 / January 24

Hello everyone!

To have a somewhat steady structure in place with regards to timelines, campaign deliverables and to accommodate any discussions in between, I’ve shared the below with all participating agencies which they will follow and communicate with us on this thread on a regular basis.

  1. Agencies to pitch tentative campaigns of what can be done in the following month or 2 months, in the new Voting proposal between 25th to 30th of the month

  2. By the 1st or 2nd of the month, the DAO / DAO Secretary will share a Marketing Brief including any particular narratives / planned events on Hydra Chain

  3. By / before the 5th of the month, agencies to share a definitive campaign plan for the month based on allocated budget. I think 5 days should be sufficient to plan out the month, however can share earlier too

  4. Members of the DAO along with me will review the shared plans by around the 7th of the month based on any particular narratives / planned events on Hydra Chain shared by the DAO or DAO secretary earlier

  5. Begin work on campaigns as per plans finalized and make changes on a rolling basis based on feedback from the DAO if applicable

  6. Share progress report of running month’s campaigns by the 23rd of each month by Noon UTC. This can include ongoing running campaigns even at the end of the 2 month working period.

  7. Every 2 months between 25th to 30th is the Voting Period for Budget allocation, so we move back to point 1 in this list

For this Bi-monthly period I have already shared a Marketing Brief for this month, to which we (The DAO) can add / edit based on any additional new events.

Could all the marketing agencies @Nthony777 @ICODA @Dmitry @Luc please share your plans for this month / bi-month on this thread today. Thank you!!